You can hire the function room for parties, meetings and other events, especially on Saturday evenings. Rates are very reasonable and we can provide all sorts of additional resources to make your evening go with a swing!
The function room which is situated next to our spacious bar and boasts a large stage and the room can seat up to 100 people. It is sometimes available on weekdays and evenings too, but not Fridays. Initially, please contact us on the email at the bottom of this page with your dates and your brief requirements. The more notice the better. We reccommend that you book at least one year ahead.
We are sorry, but we do not take bookings for 18th birthday parties.
Hire Charges:
£100 hire charge for 6.00pm till 1200 (midnight). If the Function Room is required before 6 pm, a further charge of £20 per hour will apply.
If the Clubs PA and stage lighting is required there is an additional fee of c£90, the cost includes an engineer for the set up and duration of the event, we can not let the equiptment be used without this. The Club will allocate the Sound Engineer and the fee is passed on by the Club for these services.
For parties there will be an additional cleaning charge of £25.
The Committee, at its discretion, may waive or reduce the fee for certain events
Please email Pat at functions [AT] lewesconclub [DOT] com for full details and to discuss availability.