RENEWALS 2024-2025

The membership year is from June to June. Renewals open in May and every existing member will be sent a letter inviting renewal with details and a form to complete. Renewal fees will be held at: £30 for under 65’s and £15 for 65 and over.

We will be holding a membership renewal afternoon on Sunday 23rd June, a good opportunity to come in to the Club and enjoy the garden and the bar. We will also have live music from The Contenders in the bar from (approx times) 4:00pm to 5:30pm, plus cheese and biscuits so it’s definitely worth a visit.

If you can’t make it to the renewal afternoons then you can leave your renewal form and payment with the bar staff in an envelope clearly marked for attention of the Membership Secretary.  Payment can be by cash, cheque or you can pay by debit card at the club. If you would like to pay directly to the Club bank then please contact the membership secretary for our bank details. You can also post your form back to us.

Please retain your personalised Membership Discount Card as it will be recharged once you have paid your membership. If you have not renewed by 29th June then your member benefits will expire after this date. If you need a replacement membership card, please add a note to your renewal form.

The AGM is planned for Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 7pm. Details will be posted in the Club nearer the time and questions submitted in advance will be considered, we hope to see you there.


Applications for club membership are now open, note that the membership year ends in June. Please come along and collect a form from the Club or download from here:



To complete your application you will need a proposer and a seconder – Club members will be happy to help with this.

New Members under 65 the fee is £40 in total (£10 one-off registration fee + £30 subscription).

New Members aged 65 or over the fee is £25 in total (£10 one-off registration fee + £15 subscription).

Note that Members renewing the following year pay only the subscription fee.

Members benefit from reduced drinks prices at all times (up to 20% discount on all drinks) upon showing a membership card and free or discounted entry to some events. Please remember to bring your personalised Member’s Discount Card with you. There is also a Concessionary rate for the Comedy Club, normally on the first Thursday of every month.

Remember members also benefit from being able to hire the function room for parties and fundraising events. For more details go to the Home Page and click on the ‘Function Room’ button. To enquire email functions [AT] lewesconclub [DOT] com


The Members Discount Scheme means that all members receive the benefit of their membership fees by paying reduced prices at the bar.

Your Membership Discount Card will be available for collection from the Club, your unique personalised card will be activated at the till and you will be able to use it immediately to purchase drinks at members’ discounted prices. The Club is committed to keeping members’ prices down for as long as possible, whilst non members will pay higher prices that are comparable to a commercial pub rate in Lewes. You can use your Card to pay for drinks for your guests, but the general rule for non-members is: ‘If you want the discount – please join the Club’. Your Card will cease to function on the expiry date of June 29th unless you renew your membership – so Keep Your Card – and come to the Club to re-activate it at the till for another membership year.

Q. How do I use it?
A. When your order drinks at the bar it is important that you show your card first, then your card will be swiped at the till and you will be charged at the lower Membership rate for your drinks.

Q. What else can it do?
A. It is possible to use the card instead of cash. It is not a credit or debit bank card, but it could be loaded at the bar, say for example with £50. The card could then be used at the bar instead of paying by cash, a receipt is provided by the till after every transaction showing a running total of how much money is left on the card.

Q. How long does the card last for?
A. The card will cease to function on 29th June each year unless you renew your membership. When you renew your membership the card will be re-activated for the next membership year. So please Do Not Throw Your Card Away.

Q. Supposing I lose my card?
A. Let the club know immediately if you have lost your card. It can then be de-activated at the till so nobody can use it. The club reserves the right to ask for a small fee of a few pounds to provide a replacement card to cover the costs.


When we collect personal data from you on our membership forms we store it safely and confidentially and will only ever use it for the purpose for which you have provided it to us. We allow only those members who need to process your data to have access and prevent everyone else from seeing it. We meet the protection offered to you under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the new standards introduced under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR).

By disclosing your personal information to us you are giving your consent to collect, store and process your personal information in the manner described in this Notice. We will process any updates you provide so that it remains accurate.

We collect your name, address and telephone number for administration of your membership of the Lewes Constitutional Club. We hold your date of birth to confirm that you are eligible for membership and for age-related discounts. If you have provided your email address, we keep that so that we can send you membership updates.

We ask you to let us know your occupation; this is helpful to us, as a volunteer-run club, because we prefer to approach members first when we need advice or have a practical issue to resolve. We greatly value your input, and it helps us keep our running costs down.

We do not share personal details with any other organisation.